5 Tips For Balancing Your Life As A working Mom


Diane Z.

Feb 21 , 2023

5 Tips For Balancing Your Life As A working Mom

Say it with us: “being a mom is a full-time job.”

Making sure your child is fed, entertained, and taken care of are just some of the things that are a part of your day-to-day life as a new mom.

But once maternity leave is over comes a new phase in your life: being a working mom.

There’s no shame in admitting that mom guilt is real. After all, you’re now responsible for another human being — and it’s normal to feel guilty for doing too much or doing too little.

But don’t worry momma, it gets better (and we’ve got you covered!). Read our five tips for balancing motherhood and work.

Tip #1: Be kind to yourself

For new moms, this is uncharted territory. And it comes with experiences you've yet to face and challenges you've yet to conquer, so it's important to be kind to yourself in this new phase in your life.

We highly encourage you to give yourself time to do something for yourself each day. Whether it's meditating for ten minutes every day or going for walks in the park while listening to you favorite music or podcast, this is your time for just you.

Don't forget that at the end of the day, you're still human and you're important too.

Tip #2: Let go of mom guilt

We know it's easier said than done. You feel guilty for missing out on important moments in your child's life, and you feel guilt for missing work. No matter what you do, there's the feeling of doing too little or too much of something.

And let's not ignore the dangers of social media when it comes to mom guilt. It's easy to compare yourself to other moms who may seem to have it all figured out. But the simple truth is, letting the guilt control you will not make things better and will not make you a better mom.

Tip #3: It's OK to ask for help

Sometimes the best thing we can do for our peace of mind is to ask for help.

There's no shame in asking for help — it doesn't make you weak nor does it mean you've failed at being a mom. Whether it's delegating house chores to your partner or asking family members and close friends to help you with some tasks, it can help lighten the load and give you space to breathe.

Here are practical ideas to help you:

  • Ask your partner to help with house chores
  • Ask a close friend or family member to babysit your child
  • If needed, attend professional counseling
  • Seek advice from your parents or trusted friends


Tip #4: Let go of perfection

It's unreasonable to expect everyone to be perfect all the time, including moms too. And let's be honest: giving into the pressure of perfection only sets us up for failure.

So let go of the need to be perfect, and accept that you're only human. And humans make mistakes, and that is perfectly okay.

Instead of focusing so much on what motherhood should look like, give yourself a pat on the back for taking care of your child(ren) and going above and beyond to give them the best life.

Tip #5: Be present

It can feel tough to stay in the present moment when you're worrying about a multitude of things. When you're at home, you're thinking about work. When you're at work, you feel bad for not being with your family.

And even if you don't mean to do it, constantly thinking about what you should be doing takes away the ability to stay present, and frankly, it doesn't serve you any good.

So if you're at home, appreciate the moments with your family. Create rituals you can do together to bond and stay connected, whether that's setting up movie nights on weekends or letting the children help set the table before dinner.

You're great as you are, Momma!

Remember: you're not alone in this. You have your friends and family to support you. Some days are tougher than others but know that it gets better and the journey gets a little easier.

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